Our new giving app makes giving simple and easy for your members – and it’s easy to set up!
We will say good bye to the GivePlus Mobile app on January 31, 2022. And we are encouraging churches to transition as soon as possible to the new Vanco Mobile app.
Vanco’s mobile app is getting an upgrade. As a church that has taken advantage of the GivePlus Mobile app, you know the power our app has for eGiving.
Welcome to the all-new Vanco Mobile app. Our new app has even more features and makes giving easier. And, this upgrade is free!
To help your church transition watch our video to see what steps you need to take on behalf of the church and what steps your members need to take.
If you don’t have time to watch the video, continue reading to learn about this exciting advancement.
Your church's primary contact for your Vanco account received an email from support@myvanco.com directing them to access the new myVanco admin portal. This will allow your church to access your NEW MyVanco admin portal where you’ll set up your church’s new Vanco Mobile app. In the New MyVanco admin portal your username is your email address.
After your church’s primary contact has reset their password and accessed the new MyVanco, they can add more administrative users to the new myVanco admin portal by navigating to Settings then MyVanco user. Once this process is complete, added users will need to select the password reset option in order to access new MyVanco.
1. On the navigation menu click Tiles. Click +New Tile. Select a gift tile. Enter a tile title and click Save & continue.
2. Add a short description to your tile. This information is displayed when the tile is selected in the app. Note that you are limited to 200 characters. For Button label, select the text to display on the tile's button. Click Save & Continue.
3. Create the fund you are using to track the money collected. Select the payment frequency(s) you want to offer and then click Save & Continue.
Three tips for getting your members and supporters to use the new Vanco Mobile app: