100 Days of School Activities for Preschool & Pre-K


Preschool student playing with a puzzle

As preschool and pre-K students reach the milestone of 100 days of school, it's a perfect opportunity to engage them in fun, educational activities. Celebrating the 100th day of school isn't only a joyous occasion, it is a significant one for young learners. This special day allows children to count to 100, understand the concept of 100 and participate in various hands-on activities that promote learning and development.

Table of Contents


Introduction to 100 Days of School Activities

The 100th day of school holds great importance in the academic calendar of preschoolers and pre-K students. It marks a momentous achievement and offers a chance to celebrate the journey of learning and growth over the past 100 days. Engaging in school activities that revolve around the number 100 helps children develop their math skills, literacy and fine motor skills in a fun and interactive way. These activities encourage children to explore and learn through play.


The Top Preschool Activities for 100 Days of School

Image of crayons


Hands-On Activities for Preschoolers

Hands-on activities play a crucial role in preschool education, especially on the 100th day of school. Encourage children to count to 100 by engaging them in activities like sorting 100 small items or completing a hungry ants scavenger hunt. Such activities not only enhance their math skills, but also promote fine motor skills development. Creating a collection of 100 objects or using poster boards for group activities are excellent ways to make learning fun and memorable.

1. 100-Object Collection

Brief Description:
In this hands-on activity, preschoolers will collect 100 small items to create a personal collection. This project encourages counting, sorting and categorization, enhancing math and fine motor skills in a fun, interactive way.

Materials Needed:

  • Small bag or container for each child
  • Various small items (buttons, beads, shells, pebbles, etc.)
  • Large poster board or paper
  • Glue or tape
  • Markers or crayons


  1. Explain the goal of the activity to the children: to each collect 100 small items.
  2. Distribute bags or containers to the children for collecting their items.
  3. Guide the children in exploring the classroom or playground to collect their items.
  4. Once the collections are complete, help each child count their 100 items to ensure accuracy.
  5. Provide each child with a section of poster board or paper.
  6. Help the children arrange their 100 items on the poster board in any design they like.
  7. Use glue or tape to secure the items to the board.
  8. Encourage the children to decorate around their collection with markers or crayons, perhaps writing their name or drawing symbols that represent what they've collected.
  9. Display the collections around the classroom to celebrate their achievement.

2. Centipede Sock Hop

Brief Description:
In the centipede sock hop, children will work together to fill a long sock with 100 soft items, creating a classroom centipede. This activity promotes counting, teamwork and gross motor skills.

Materials Needed:

  • A long tube sock or stocking
  • Soft items (cotton balls, pom poms, small fabric scraps, etc.)
  • Large numeral cards or markers (numbered 1-100)


  1. Present the long sock to the children and explain that they will fill it with 100 soft items to create a centipede.
  2. Place the soft items in a central location.
  3. Encourage children to take turns adding items into the sock, counting each item aloud as they go.
  4. Once the sock is filled with 100 items, tie the open end securely.
  5. Decorate the centipede by adding eyes and a mouth to the front, turning the sock into a friendly classroom character.
  6. Use number cards to number each segment of the centipede, reinforcing the concept of counting to 100.

3. 100 Colorful Handprints Wall

Brief Description:
Creating a wall of 100 handprints is a fun way to help preschoolers visually grasp the concept of 100. This activity encourages creativity, color recognition and counting.

Materials Needed:

  • Washable paint in various colors
  • Large roll of paper or a wall space covered with paper
  • Markers or paintbrushes for numbering


  1. Set up a painting station with various colors of washable paint.
  2. Explain to the children that they will be making 100 handprints on the paper.
  3. Help each child coat their hand with paint and press it onto the paper to make a handprint.
  4. Once each child makes their handprint, help them clean the paint off their hand.
  5. After the handprints dry, help the children number each handprint from 1 to 100 with markers or paintbrushes.
  6. Display the handprint wall prominently in the classroom as a colorful representation of 100.

4. 100 Wishes Balloon Display

Brief Description:
In the 100 wishes activity, children write or dictate a wish on a piece of paper, which is then attached to a balloon. This activity focuses on imagination, fine motor skills and social-emotional development.

Materials Needed:

  • 100 balloons (inflated with air, not helium)
  • Paper strips
  • Markers or crayons
  • String or ribbon


  1. Give each child a strip of paper and ask them to write or dictate a wish they have.
  2. Once the wishes are written, help the children attach their wishes to balloons using string or ribbon.
  3. Inflate the balloons and secure all the wish-attached balloons in a designated area of the classroom, creating a visually impactful display.
  4. Encourage children to read each other's wishes, fostering a sense of community and shared dreams within the classroom.


Dramatic Play Ideas

Dramatic play is an effective way to engage preschoolers in celebrating the 100th day of school. Encourage imaginative play by setting up scenarios where kids act out counting 100 seconds or pretending to be ants on a mission to find 100 hidden treasures. This type of interactive play not only reinforces the concept of 100, but also encourages creativity and social skills development. By incorporating movement activities and themed dress-up days, preschoolers can make the most of this celebratory occasion.

5. 100-Second Challenge

Brief Description:
This dramatic play activity involves children in a fun and energetic challenge where they count to 100 seconds while engaging in various physical activities. It promotes counting skills and physical movement and teamwork.

Materials Needed:

  • Stopwatch or timer
  • List of physical activities (jumping jacks, hopping on one foot, twirling, etc.)
  • Safe space for movement


  1. Gather the children in a spacious area and explain the 100-second challenge to them.
  2. Demonstrate how to perform each physical activity on the list.
  3. Use the stopwatch to time the challenge.
  4. Call out different activities from the list for the children to perform, changing the activity every 10 seconds.
  5. Encourage the children to count aloud together as they perform the activities.
  6. After reaching 100 seconds, celebrate the completion of the challenge with a group cheer or applause.
  7. Discuss with the children how they felt during the activity and what their favorite part was.

6. Time Travelers to Day 100

Brief Description:
In this dramatic play scenario, children pretend to be time travelers visiting the 100th day of school from the past or future. This activity encourages imagination, storytelling and an understanding of time concepts.

Materials Needed:

  • Costume pieces (hats, glasses, cloaks)
  • Time machine made from cardboard boxes
  • Props related to different eras (books, toys, etc.)


  1. Introduce the concept of time travel and discuss what things might look like in the past or future.
  2. Encourage children to choose costumes and props that represent their chosen time period.
  3. Use the cardboard box as a time machine, decorating it with markers and stickers.
  4. Children take turns entering the time machine and emerging as time travelers to the 100th day.
  5. Engage children in storytelling about their journey through time and what they imagine the 100th day looks like in different eras.

7. 100th Day Superhero Academy

Brief Description:
Transform the classroom into a superhero academy where children become superheroes with the mission to complete 100 good deeds. This activity promotes social-emotional learning, creativity and physical activity.

Materials Needed:

  • Superhero capes and masks
  • List of 100 good deeds (simple tasks like helping a friend, cleaning up, etc.)
  • Superhero Academy certificates


  1. Distribute superhero capes and masks to each child, allowing them to adopt a superhero persona.
  2. Explain the mission: to perform 100 good deeds around the classroom or school.
  3. Break down the good deeds into manageable tasks that children can complete individually or in groups.
  4. As each deed is completed, mark it off the list until all 100 are accomplished.
  5. Award Superhero Academy certificates to the children, celebrating their achievements and contributions.

8. 100 Treasures Pirate Adventure

Brief Description:
Children embark on a pirate adventure, searching for 100 hidden treasures around the classroom or playground. This imaginative play activity enhances counting skills, map reading and teamwork.

Materials Needed:

  • Pirate hats or bandanas
  • Treasure map of the classroom/playground with X marks
  • 100 small treasures such as beads, coins, etc. (hide 100 items in advance)
  • Treasure chest or box to collect the treasures


  1. Dress the children in pirate hats or bandanas to get into character.
  2. Present the treasure map and explain that X marks the spots where treasures are hidden.
  3. In teams or individually, children use the map to find and collect the hidden treasures.
  4. Encourage counting as each treasure is found, aiming to collect all 100 treasures.
  5. Once all treasures are collected, gather the children to count the total and celebrate the successful treasure hunt.
  6. Discuss the adventure, asking children about their favorite parts and what they learned.

Literacy Activities

Literacy activities are key to developing language skills in preschoolers during your 100 days of school celebration. Engage children in reading a book about the number 100 or creating printable resources with 100-day themes. These activities not only enhance literacy skills but also spark creativity and imagination. Encourage kids to write about their favorite moments from the first 100 days or practice counting through fun activities like coloring pages adds an element of excitement to the learning process. By integrating literacy into the celebration, preschoolers can further their educational journey in a fun and engaging way.

9. My 100th Day Book

Brief Description:
In this literacy-focused activity, preschoolers create their own "My 100th Day Book," where they can draw and write about their favorite moments or things related to the number 100. This activity encourages creativity, storytelling and basic writing or dictation skills.

Materials Needed:

  • Construction paper or pre-made blank books
  • Markers, crayons and pencils
  • Stickers or stamps with numbers or thematic decorations
  • Glue for attaching additional elements


  1. Provide each child with construction paper or a blank book to serve as their books.
  2. Guide the children in thinking about what they like most about the number 100 or their favorite activity related to the 100th day of school.
  3. Encourage them to draw pictures illustrating these ideas on the pages of their books.
  4. Help children write or dictate captions for their drawings. This could include simple sentences like "I found 100 leaves" or "100 smiles."
  5. Decorate the book covers with markers, stickers and stamps to make them vibrant and enticing.
  6. Allow the children to read the books to the class, describing their drawings and what they wrote.
  7. Create a classroom library display where all the "My 100th Day Books" can be viewed and read by classmates.

10. 100 Words I Know Poster

Brief Description:
This activity encourages children to think about and recognize 100 words they know, promoting literacy and vocabulary development. Each child will contribute to a classroom poster, showcasing the collective knowledge and language skills of the group.

Materials Needed:

  • Large poster board or roll of paper
  • Markers, crayons and stickers for decoration
  • List of common words for inspiration


  1. Present the large poster board in a common area where all children can access it.
  2. Explain the goal: to collectively come up with 100 words that the children know.
  3. Offer inspiration by reading from the list of common words, sparking ideas.
  4. Allow each child to take turns writing a word they know on the poster board, assisting with spelling as needed.
  5. Encourage decoration of the poster with markers, crayons and stickers, making the activity visually appealing and engaging.
  6. Once the poster is complete, review the words together, celebrating the wide range of vocabulary the class has shared.

11. 100 Days, 100 Stories Storytelling Circle

Brief Description:
In this activity, children are encouraged to create short stories inspired by the number 100, fostering creativity, narrative skills and confidence in speaking.

Materials Needed:

  • Story prompt cards related to the number 100 (e.g., "100 animals on an adventure" or "A day with 100 friends")
  • Comfortable seating arrangement for a storytelling circle


  1. Gather the children in a circle and introduce the concept of creating short stories inspired by the number 100.
  2. Distribute story prompt cards randomly or let children choose their favorite.
  3. Provide some time for the children to think about their story, offering help to formulate ideas if needed.
  4. Invite children to share their stories with the group, speaking from their place in the circle.
  5. Applaud each story, emphasizing the uniqueness and creativity of each narrative.
  6. Compile the stories into a classroom book or display them on a bulletin board for others to enjoy.

12. 100th Day Letter Exchange

Brief Description:
This literacy activity involves children in writing letters to their classmates, teachers or family members, expressing thoughts or feelings about the 100th day of school. It encourages writing skills, emotional expression and fosters connections within the school community.

Materials Needed:

  • Writing paper and envelopes
  • Markers, crayons and stickers for decoration
  • List of recipient ideas (classmates, teachers, family)


  1. Discuss the concept of letter writing, explaining how it can be a way to share thoughts and feelings.
  2. Provide each child with paper and an envelope, encouraging them to think of someone they would like to write to about the 100th day of school.
  3. Assist with the writing process as needed, helping to spell words or formulate sentences.
  4. Once the letters are written, invite children to decorate their envelopes with markers, crayons and stickers.
  5. Organize a letter exchange within the classroom or prepare the letters to be sent home to families.
  6. Reflect on the activity by discussing with the children how it felt to write and receive letters, emphasizing the joy of sharing and connection.


Math Activities for the 100th Day of School

Engaging children in math activities on the 100th day of school promotes fun and learning at the same time. It's also a great way to reinforce counting skills and promote math exploration. From counting groups of ten to adding 100 small items, these activities help children develop their math skills in an interactive manner. We also created five free printables you can use. This is part of our continued commitment to provide the free tools educators need and the best preschool management software available!

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13. 100-Piece Puzzle Challenge

Brief Description:
The 100-piece puzzle challenge is a math activity that involves preschoolers in solving a puzzle that consists of 100 pieces. This activity is designed to promote problem-solving skills, spatial awareness and the concept of the number 100 in a tangible, engaging way.

Materials Needed:

  • 100-piece puzzles (you can use larger pieces for easier handling)
  • Mats or tables for puzzle assembly


  1. Select puzzles that are appropriate for the age group, ensuring they have exactly 100 pieces.
  2. Divide the children into small groups, assigning a puzzle to each group.
  3. Explain the challenge: to work together to complete the puzzle as a team.
  4. Spread out the puzzle pieces on mats or tables for each group.
  5. Encourage teamwork and problem-solving as the children work on fitting the pieces together.
  6. Assist the children as needed, guiding them to look for edge pieces or matching colors and patterns.
  7. Celebrate the completion of each puzzle, emphasizing the achievement of working together to solve a 100-piece puzzle.
  8. Display the completed puzzles in the classroom, highlighting the children's collaborative effort and success.

14. Build with 100 Blocks Challenge

Brief Description:
This activity encourages preschoolers to use 100 building blocks to create a structure of their choice. It promotes counting, spatial awareness and creativity, as children plan and execute their designs.

Materials Needed:

  • Building blocks (ensure there are at least 100 available)
  • A large, flat surface for construction


  1. Explain the challenge to the children: to build anything they can imagine using exactly 100 blocks.
  2. Distribute the blocks evenly among the children or have them work in small groups for collaborative projects.
  3. Encourage children to plan their structures, discussing ideas and strategies as a group.
  4. As they build, monitor their counting to ensure each group uses exactly 100 blocks.
  5. Once the structures are complete, allow each child or group to present their creation to the class, explaining what they built and why.
  6. Discuss the different structures, focusing on the variety of ideas and the process of counting and building with 100 blocks.

15. 100 Snack Sort Activity

Brief Description:
In this activity, children sort 100 snack items (e.g., pretzels, fruit pieces, cereal loops) into various categories, practicing counting, sorting by attributes and group collaboration.

Materials Needed:

  • 100 snack items (ensure a variety for sorting)
  • Plates or bowls for sorting categories
  • Tongs or spoons for hygiene and fine motor practice


  1. Display the 100 snack items on a large tray, mixing them thoroughly.
  2. Explain the sorting task to the children, discussing possible categories (shape, color, type).
  3. Divide the children into small groups, assigning each group a set of sorting criteria.
  4. Encourage children to use tongs or spoons to pick up and sort the snack items into the provided plates or bowls according to their criteria.
  5. Once the sorting is complete, count the items in each category to ensure all 100 items have been sorted and accounted for.
  6. Reflect on the activity, discussing the different sorting criteria used and what the children observed about the snack items during the process.

16. 100 Steps Journey

Brief Description:
This outdoor or indoor activity gets children moving by challenging them to estimate and then measure a journey of 100 steps. It incorporates math, physical activity and estimation skills.

Materials Needed:

  • A wide open space, either indoors or outdoors
  • Markers or cones to mark the starting and ending points
  • A measuring tape (optional, for older children to compare estimated distances)


  1. Explain the concept of estimation to the children, discussing how they can guess the length of a journey.
  2. Mark a starting point and challenge the children to estimate where they think 100 steps will end.
  3. Have the children start at the marked point and walk 100 steps, counting aloud with each step.
  4. Mark where each child ends up after their 100 steps, noting the variation in distances due to different step lengths.
  5. Discuss the concept of estimation versus actual measurement, and if appropriate, use a measuring tape to show the actual distances covered.
  6. Reflect on the activity, discussing what the children learned about estimation, counting and the importance of each person's unique step length.


Preschool Classroom 100th Day FAQs

Are there any printable resources available for 100 days of school celebrations?

Yes, there are printable 100th day of school activities like coloring sheets, counting worksheets and 100th day certificates you can use to enhance the celebration in your preschool or pre-K classroom. You can find many of them by simply visiting Pinterest, but you can also access them by visiting sources like Teacher's Pay Teachers or Teaching Mama. You can find interactive games here.

Where can I find number printables? 

Here are some counting and number worksheets that you can use in lesson plans. We also offer free templates and printables for daycares that you can use. 

What are some age-appropriate 100th day activities to help preschoolers celebrate 100 days of school?

Age-appropriate activities for preschoolers might include counting 100 objects, creating art projects with 100 shapes and participating in sensory activities using 100 items.

How can I make the 100th day of school even more fun for my students?

You can make the 100th day of school even more fun by organizing a dress-up day where students dress as if they are 100 years old, having a 100-seconds challenge for various activities or playing games involving the number 100.

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