Biblical Stewardship: What the Bible Says About Giving

Man giving to his church through the Tithes and Offerings box

In today's fast-paced society, biblical stewardship — the responsibility of managing the resources entrusted to us by God — may take a backseat in our lives. However, we can turn to the Bible for powerful insights and instructions on the concept of stewardship and how to be faithful stewards.

By understanding and putting into practice the biblical stewardship principles outlined in the Bible, we can cultivate and experience the abundance of blessings that come from selfless financial giving, the sharing of our time and talents and the care of creation. 

This comprehensive guide will help you understand the importance of managing resources for God's glory by exploring the Bible's teachings on stewardship and giving.  

Table of Contents 


Church Stewardship eBook

The Meaning and Purpose of Biblical Stewardship

Based on texts on stewardship deeply rooted within the Scriptures, biblical stewardship refers to the recognition that everything we have, every aspect of life, comes from God and that we have been merely entrusted with these resources for a time as caretakers rather than owners of God's blessings. 

Through biblical stewardship, we cultivate a deep sense of gratitude, humility and trust in God. Biblical stewardship encourages us to use the resources of our time, talents, finances and the world around us responsibly and faithfully, understanding that we will be held accountable for how we have used them. 

By acknowledging that everything we have is a gift from Him, this foundation of stewardship allows us to demonstrate our love for God and others through generous giving and wise management of church resources. In this way, we support the work of God's kingdom, provide for the needs of the less fortunate and be a blessing to those around us. 

Finally, biblical stewardship invites us into a faithfulness, obedience and joy-filled life. When we intentionally use our time, talents and treasures, we align our choices and priorities with God's principles and use our God-given gifts and abilities to serve others. Biblical stewardship brings glory to God as we faithfully fulfill the roles and responsibilities He has entrusted to us. 


The Role of Stewardship in the Bible

Group of church goers talking about stewardship in the Bible

Throughout the Bible, we find many examples of stewardship. Various passages, parables and verses about stewardship provide invaluable insights into its importance and how it can be applied in our lives today. 

In Genesis 1:26–28, God creates humanity in His image and grants them dominion over the earth and all its creatures. This passage teaches us that, as stewards, we have been entrusted with the care and preservation of God's creation. We are called to cultivate, cherish and responsibly manage the resources gifted to us. 

In the story of Noah's Ark (Genesis 6-9), God commissioned Noah to build an ark to save his family and pairs of every kind of animal from the impending flood. Noah demonstrates exemplary stewardship by faithfully obeying God's instructions in caring for the animals entrusted to him and assuming the responsibility to preserve and protect God's creation. 

The parable of the talents, as shared by Jesus in Matthew 25:14–30, presents a powerful lesson on stewardship. In this story, a master entrusts his faithful servants with different amounts of money (talents) before going on a journey. Upon his return, the servants who wisely managed and multiplied their talents were commended and rewarded, while those who hid their talents out of fear were rebuked. This parable teaches us that stewardship responsibility involves using resources and our God-given abilities to serve and advance His kingdom. 

Types of Biblical Stewardship

Practicing stewardship involves many different aspects of life. Consider these areas of your life as you incorporate biblical stewardship into your daily choices: 

  • Financial stewardship involves responsibly managing and using the financial resources entrusted to us by God. 
  • Material stewardship refers to managing resources such as homes, cars and possessions in a way that honors God, promotes justice and blesses others. 
  • Time stewardship focuses on wisely using and prioritizing our time to fulfill God's purposes. 
  • Talents and gifts stewardship involves recognizing, developing and using our unique talents, skills, and spiritual gifts God grants us. 
  • Environmental stewardship entails caring for God's creation of the earth and its natural resources. 
  • Spiritual stewardship refers to the responsibility of nurturing and growing our faith and helping others in their spiritual journey with God. 
  • Relationship stewardship involves maintaining healthy and godly relationships with others. 


Principles of Biblical Stewardship

Woman Completing a Closing Prayer During Worship

Four biblical stewardship principles form the foundation and act as a guide for managing our finances and resources responsibly and in alignment with our faith and values. 

  • The ownership principle encourages responsible and accountable management of resources. 
  • The responsibility principle involves how we manage and use the resources entrusted to us by God by making wise and ethical decisions in financial matters while considering the impact on ourselves and others. 
  • The accountability principle warns that we will be answerable to God in a confession of faith for how we’ve managed the resources given to us. 
  • The reward principle proclaims that Gold ultimately rewards faithful and responsible stewardship, encouraging us to focus on long-term, eternal rewards rather than immediate gains. 

Stewardship in the Modern World 

In today's materialistic world, how does the concept of stewardship and adapting biblical principles fit into our current context? 

First, we must keep at the forefront of our thoughts and actions that God is the ultimate owner of all things, as stated in Psalm 24:1, "The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." 

Also, we should cultivate a mindset of gratitude and humility, knowing that everything we possess has been entrusted to us by God. We must actively practice generosity and avoid greed by sharing our time, resources and talents with others. And lastly, we should prioritize contentment in finding fulfillment in what we already have and embrace wise management of our resources.  


The Importance of Tithing and Giving

Church Congregants Preparing to Participate in Offering

The biblical stewardship of resources encompasses the act of tithing, which involves giving a tenth of one's income, and giving — whether it be money, possessions or time — to advance the kingdom of God and bless others in need. 

Tithing as an Act of Worship and Obedience 

The Bible teaches us that everything we have belongs to God, and by tithing, we acknowledge His ownership and trust in His provisions. By obeying this command, we recognize that God is our ultimate provider and that we rely on Him for our needs. 


Giving Beyond Financial Means — Time and Talents

God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities, and He calls us to use them for His glory. Whether volunteering at our local church, serving in our communities or using our skills to benefit others, giving our time and talents demonstrates our willingness to be good stewards of the abilities God has entrusted to us.  


The Application of Stewardship in Daily Life

Man in church writing down sermon notes on Bible about giving and stewardship

Practically speaking, being a good steward involves taking responsibility for our finances, time and talents and using them for God's purposes. It requires practicing generosity, supporting the work of the church and caring for those in need based on the foundational belief that we are the caretakers, not the owners, of God's blessings. 

Financial Stewardship and Money Management

The Bible teaches budgeting principles, avoiding debt and making wise investments. Budgeting helps us steward resources and our finances by prioritizing needs, setting aside money for savings and giving generously. 

Collectively as a church, exercising good financial stewardship requires these steps: 

  • Establishing a church budget that allocates funds based on needs, such as housing, food, savings and giving 
  • Avoiding impulsive spending and accruing unnecessary debt 
  • Seeking financial advice from trusted sources 
  • Regularly reviewing financial statements and promoting ongoing stewardship plans  


The Heart of Stewardship

By recognizing that everything we possess ultimately belongs to God, we can grasp the concept of stewardship. As caretakers and managers of God's resources, we can live intentionally and respond with a joyful and sacrificial heart. Acknowledging God's ownership empowers us to use our blessings wisely, from our material wealth to our time, talents and the earth itself, by taking a heart-centered approach to stewardship and giving in alignment with His will. 

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How does tithing fit into stewardship?

Tithing is a tangible expression of gratitude and obedience, acknowledging God's ownership and providing a framework for faithful resource management. 

Can stewardship extend beyond financial aspects? 

Stewardship encompasses more than monetary possessions to include the responsible management of God's entrusted gifts of our time, talents, relationships and the environment. 

What does the Bible say about debt and living within means?

In Proverbs 22:7, "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender," the Bible advises against accumulating debt, encourages living within one's means and emphasizes the importance of financial responsibility. 

How can churches teach and encourage stewardship?

Churches can integrate biblical principles into sermons, providing financial education programs, and fostering a culture of transparency and accountability in financial practices. 

Is there a biblical approach to money management?

Yes. Principles such as budgeting, avoiding debt, making wise investments and prioritizing generosity align financial decisions with values rooted in integrity and faith.

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