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Industry-leading online giving tools set to help churches inspire generous giving and effective communication with members


MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.  Vanco is proud to announce its new, preferred partnership that will provide its industry-leading online giving and donation processing tools to Iowa Conference of the United Methodist Church member churches. 


This impactful partnership will connect IAUMC churches with resources to create a simple online giving experience and inspire generosity from donors by sharing the stories of their ministries’ impact on those they serve and empowering clear, effective communication with donors. 


“This is a great opportunity for us to partner with an organization whose values align with ours and bring game-changing giving resources to IAUMC churches,” Vanco Vice President of Strategic Partnerships Dan Gretz said. “The IAUMC is an organization that seeks to inspire, equip and connect those they serve, and our giving and donation processing tools are built on those same core goals. We look forward to seeing the impact this partnership will have.”   


Vanco’s industry-leading tools are powered by storytelling to help churches show donors their impact their gift has on its ministries. Its innovative platform includes online donations, text-to-give and mobile giving, simplified reporting and resources to help churches better connect with donors at a time when the preference for cause-based giving is rising.    


Vanco will also provide IAUMC churches with access to knowledgeable, 24/7 live customer support and marketing tools, including webinars and content for emails, newsletters and social posts, to cultivate a successful giving experience for their donors.  


“’Open hearts, open minds, open doors’ describes our vision, and Vanco’s giving and donation processing tools will help our churches live out this mission,” IAUMC Treasurer and Director of Administrative Services Emily Graber said. “They help churches communicate well with members and inspire generous giving by telling their stories. Vanco’s experience partnering with thousands of churches throughout the United States for decades makes them an ideal partner as we serve churches throughout Iowa.” 


To learn more about Vanco’s products or services, email or click here for more details.    


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