Top 21 Preschool Fundraising Ideas to Boost Your Next Campaign

Preschool student playing on a swing

To help preschools raise money to improve their programs and facilities and meet other expenses, they need great preschool fundraising ideas. This guide provides some of the best. From simple bake sales to auctions, carnivals and sport days, your preschool can find one or more events that will raise money, get kids and parents involved and energize your school community.

Here are 21 of the top fundraising ideas for preschool to pique your interest and help you get started. Watch your community support for early learning centers come alive! 

1. Bake Sales

A bake sale is a classic food fundraising idea where parents and children can contribute homemade treats to sell to the community. Bake sales are one of the top preschool fundraising ideas because they foster a sense of community involvement while showcasing culinary talents and supporting a shared cause. 

How to Get Started

Coordinate with parents to provide baked goods. Use a sign-up sheet to encourage participation and ensure that you will have a variety of diverse items to sell. 

Determine a date and time to hold your bake sale. Then, set up a booth in a high-traffic area. Be sure to promote the bake sale through flyers, social media, and preschool newsletters. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Bake sales are fairly easy to organize as preschool fundraising ideas. They can offer high profit margins and encourage community engagement. Bake sales provide a variety of treats and promote creativity. 

Cons: Challenges include ensuring food safety and accommodating dietary restrictions such as gluten-free and Kosher items. Outdoor bake sales depend on changing weather conditions. They can be time-consuming in terms of time for baking and coordination. 

Estimated Cost

The cost will vary depending on the scope of your bake sale. However, because parents and other volunteers are providing the ingredients and materials for the baked goods, you may be able to do a bake sale fairly cheaply. Consider signage, advertising and packaging costs in your budget. 

Quick Tip 

It's advised to not price anything under $1. While this is an enticing price point, you will have to work much harder to reach your fundraising goals. Price items in even dollar amounts and sell bundles for a higher price point. 

2. Art Auctions

An art auction is a special fundraising idea for school that allows preschoolers to showcase their creativity while raising funds through the sale of their artwork. 

How to Get Started 

Encourage children to create artwork and set a date for the auction. Invite parents and community members. Then determine the bidding process, such as a silent auction or live bidding. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Art auctions are dynamic fundraising events that promote creativity and involve preschool children directly. 

Cons: Cons include the need for careful handling of delicate artwork. You should also consider what may happen if no one bids on a particular child's artwork. Success can be variable depending on the quality of the artwork and audience interest. 

Estimated Cost 

The cost associated with art auctions is minimal. Your budget will mainly comprise art supplies and auction setup. 

Quick Tip 

Display each piece of art with a short description and the artist's name to personalize the experience. Include a photo of the child, if permitted, for added connection and emotional resonance. 

3. Book Fairs

Preschooler reading a book that she got at the book fair

A book fair is one of the best preschool fundraising ideas and an educational fund drive for young children because it promotes literacy while raising funds by selling a variety of preschool-suitable books. 

How to Get Started 

Partner with a book supplier or start a new and gently used book donation. Find and set up a suitable space for the fair. Promote the event and recruit volunteers to assist with sales and setup. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Book fairs promote literacy and community engagement by offering a variety of books and educational experiences. They have fundraising potential and enrich participants' reading experiences. 

Cons: A book fair is highly dependent on parent volunteers for setup, staffing and cleanup, requiring significant coordination and support. 

Estimated Cost 

The cost of a book fair can be moderate. This is mainly due to the associated costs of purchasing books and promotional materials. However, you may be able to offset these costs by accepting new and gently used donated books. 

Quick Tip 

Offer a selection of books to cater to different interests and reading levels. This includes pop-up books, picture books and interactive storybooks. It's also important to offer books that teach diversity. 

4. Plant Sales

A plant sale involves selling flowers, herbs and plants grown by preschoolers and their families as fundraising products. This provides an educational experience while raising funds. 

How to Get Started

Plan what types of plants to sell and grow them. Or you can establish fundraising partnerships with local nurseries. Promote the event, targeting plant enthusiasts, and set up a sales area with high visibility. 

Pros and Cons

Pros: Plant sales promote gardening, community engagement and environmental awareness. They offer great educational value and fundraising potential. 

Cons: Challenges with a plant sale can include plant health concerns leading up to the sale. There's also an issue with certain weather conditions for outdoor sales and the seasonal availability of certain plants. 

Estimated Cost

The estimated costs of a plant sale can be low to moderate. It will ultimately depend on the number and variety of plants available. 

Quick Tip 

Provide plant care instructions with each plant to help buyers keep them healthy. You can also have the preschoolers decorate pots to go with the plants. 

5. Talent Shows

Another creative fundraising activity for kids is a talent show, which allows preschoolers to showcase their skills in singing, dancing, acting or other talents. It provides entertainment while raising funds through ticket sales. 

How to Get Started 

Set audition dates and secure a venue with appropriate facilities. Promote the event through preferred media and sell tickets. Organize rehearsals leading up to the event. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Talent shows provide a platform for participants to showcase their skills and engage the community. They offer entertainment value while potentially raising funds. 

Cons: Talent shows can be time-consuming to plan and execute, especially with multiple acts, rehearsal schedules and technical requirements. There is also the risk of stage fright or feelings of rejection if an act isn't perceived as “good enough.” 

Estimated Cost 

The estimated cost of a talent show is moderate. While the talent is free, you'll need to consider the cost of venue rental and promotional materials. 

Quick Tip  

Encourage participants to practice and prepare their acts well in advance. Pass out participation ribbons or trophies so everyone feels included and valued. 

6. Movie Nights 

Graphic of popcorn for a preschool movie fundraiser

Movies nights are fantastic fundraising ideas for schools. They offer families a chance to enjoy a film together while raising funds through ticket sales and concessions. 

How to Get Started 

Choose a family-friendly movie appropriate for all ages. Rent out a movie theater or set up a movie screen and a projector. Promote your event through newsletters, email lists and flyers, and set ticket prices. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Movie nights are fun, low-key and inexpensive family events. They have a broad appeal to all age groups. 

Cons: One major con is the requirement to obtain licensing permission to show movies in a public space, even a school gymnasium, due to copyright infringement. You also can't stream a movie on services like Netflix or Hulu without permission. 

Estimated Cost  

Aside from costs for elements like advertising and setup, you will need to consider the licensing costs associated with showing a movie in public. This will vary based on the film itself, how many people will be attending, the location of the screening and admission costs. A movie license fee can range anywhere from $300 to $2,000, which can result in reduced fundraising totals. 

Quick Tip  

Offer popcorn, snacks and drinks for sale to enhance the movie experience. Search for sponsorships or fundraising partnerships to secure snacks and food for free or deeply discounted rates. 

7. Family Picnics 

A family picnic is a great preschool fundraising idea that provides an opportunity for families to spend time together outdoors, enjoying food and activities while raising funds through ticket sales or activity charges. 

How to Get Started

Choose a scenic picnic spot like a community park. Plan activities and games and organize food and beverages to sell at the event. Promote the event through flyers, newsletters and emails, and sell tickets. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Family picnics offer a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere for bonding among participants, engaging the community and fostering a sense of togetherness. They are often low-cost events to organize. 

Cons: Planning an outdoor event puts you at the mercy of unexpected weather changes. You may have to reserve more popular picnic areas in advance. 

Estimated Cost

The estimated cost of a family picnic fundraiser can range between low to moderate. This will depend on overall food and beverage expenses. 

Quick Tip 

Provide picnic blankets or tables where families can sit and enjoy their meals comfortably. Provide chair rental for families who need seating options. 

8. Parent-Child Sports Day

Another early childhood education fundraising strategy that involves the whole community is a Parent-child sports day. A sports day provides an opportunity for families to participate in sports activities together. It promotes physical fitness and bonding while raising funds through registration fees. 

How to Get Started [h3] 

Plan sports activities suitable for children and parents like soccer matches and relay races. Secure a venue with the appropriate facilities and space. Be sure to promote the event through the necessary channels and organize registration and ticket sales. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Sports day promotes family bonding and physical activity. It also helps build community and healthy lifestyles. 

Cons: It requires additional space and equipment rental. Outdoor sports day events depend on weather conditions. There may be a risk of injuries posed by physical activity. 

Estimated Cost 

The estimated cost of a parent-child sports day is moderate. The main costs will be for the venue rental, refreshments and any equipment needed, like balls, nets and canopy tents. 

Quick Tip 

Offer a mix of competitive and non-competitive activities to cater to different skill levels. This lets all children participate regardless of their ability. Sell refreshments for additional fundraising revenue. 

9. Silent Auctions

Parent participating in the silent auction at her childs preschool

A silent auction involves displaying donated items for bid without an auctioneer. It allows participants to submit bids on bid sheets and raise funds through winning bids. This is an effective charity event for preschool because it can attract donors beyond school parents and staff.  

How to Get Started

Start by gathering donated items and acquiring the proper venue space, such as an event hall or country club. Set up your display areas and create bid sheets for each item. Promote your silent auction and organize the bidding process. 

If you're unsure how to fundraise through a silent auction, writing school fundraising letters to parents is a terrific way to obtain donated items and secure parent volunteers. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Silent auctions offer a wide variety of items for bid. This allows participants to bid at their own pace and provides networking opportunities. A silent auction has the potential to bring in big fundraising revenue. 

Cons: A silent auction doesn't have as much urgency for bidding, so items may be won at much lower bids with fewer bidders. There may also be a risk of bid tampering. Procuring donated items can sometimes be a challenge. 

Estimated Cost 

Because most auction items are donated or acquired by fundraising partnerships with local businesses, the estimated cost is low to moderate. The bulk of the expenses will go mainly for promotional materials, auction setup and venue rental. 

Quick Tip 

Clearly display item descriptions and bid increments to make bidding easy for participants. Stagger and time bidding lots to increase competitive bidding. 

10. Bingo Nights

Bingo night fundraisers are lively events where participants play bingo to win prizes while supporting a cause. It's a social and inclusive fundraising idea for school that brings people together for a fun evening. 

How to Get Started 

Choose a date and an appropriate venue with space for tables and chairs. Secure the necessary bingo equipment, such as cards, daubers, bingo balls and a bingo cage, along with prizes for the winners. Promote the event to attract participants from the community and recruit volunteers. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Bingo nights are engaging and inclusive fundraisers that offer a social atmosphere. They have the potential for high-profit fundraising margins. 

Cons: A bingo night can come with high up-front costs. It requires careful planning, logistics and volunteer coordination. Attendance may hinge on the allure of offering attractive prizes. 

Estimated Cost 

Moderate to high, depending on venue costs, equipment rental and prize expenses. Try getting prizes donated to cut down on costs. 

Quick Tip 

Offer various bingo games like blackout and special patterns to increase engagement. Consider incorporating additional preschool fundraising ideas like raffles to maximize revenue. 

11. Obstacle Courses 

An obstacle course fundraiser is an energetic event where participants navigate physical challenges to raise funds for a cause. They offer an exciting and memorable experience for participants, promoting physical fitness, teamwork and camaraderie. 

How to Get Started 

Plan out your courses in advance and specify what elements they will involve, such as nets, climbing walls and balance beams. Obtain the necessary permits and equipment and secure an appropriate venue. Promote your event through channels like newsletters and emails, recruit volunteers, and secure event sponsorships. 

Pros and Cons

Pros: Obstacle course fundraisers have the potential to attract a wide audience. They can generate significant funds through participant registration fees, donations and sponsorships. 

Cons: Organizing an obstacle course fundraiser requires careful preschool charity event planning, logistical coordination and resources. Challenges may include securing suitable event space and managing event-day operations with adequate volunteers. There is a possibility of injury to participants. 

Estimated Cost

Obstacle course fundraisers can be moderate to high in cost. This depends on the venue, equipment needed, event insurance in case of injury and any promotional expenses. Event sponsorship can help offset some of these costs. 

Quick Tip 

Offer varying difficulty levels and provide clear instructions or demonstrations for each one. Consider additional fundraising strategies like games and raffles to enhance the event's success. 

12. Carnivals

Illustration of balloons and confetti for a carnival

Carnivals can be fun and engaging preschool fundraising ideas. A carnival offers a wide range of fundraising games and activities for toddlers plus rides and attractions that provide entertainment for families while raising funds through ticket sales and activity charges.  

How to Get Started 

Plan carnival games, rides and activities. Then, secure a venue with sufficient space and recruit volunteers. Set a date, promote the event through social media and newsletters and sell tickets. 

Pros and Cons  

Pros: Fundraising carnivals offer community engagement and family-friendly entertainment. They have a high profit potential and provide opportunities for creative expression. 

Cons: An outdoor carnival is subject to changing weather conditions. They have a strong reliance on recruiting adequate volunteers. Carnivals also involve logistical complexity in finding the proper venue and can carry hefty cost considerations. 

Estimated Cost 

The estimated cost of holding a carnival fundraiser is moderate to high. This will depend on the scale of the carnival and any equipment rental expenses for rides and game booths. 

Quick Tip 

Offer unlimited ride or game wristbands for a fixed donation to encourage attendance and participation. Sell concessions to help increase your fundraising efforts. 

13. Arts and Crafts Workshops 

An arts and crafts workshop provides an opportunity for families to create together. It fosters creativity and bonding while raising funds through registration fees. 

How to Get Started 

Plan craft projects suitable for children and adults and obtain the necessary supplies. Secure a venue with the appropriate facilities. Promote the workshop and organize registration. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Arts and crafts workshops offer creative expression, skill development and community engagement. These workshops offer therapeutic benefits and educational enrichment and foster personal growth. 

Cons: An arts and crafts workshop requires many resources and supplies to set up. It also requires skilled instructors and volunteers to assist with the arts and crafts. Effective promotion is needed to attract participants with varying skill levels. 

Estimated Cost 

Moderate, mainly for venue rental and craft supplies. You can offset the cost of the crafting supplies through community donations and fundraising partnerships. 

Quick Tip 

Provide a variety of craft projects to cater to different interests and skill levels. This can include activities such as painting, clay modeling, paper crafting and jewelry making. 

14. Cook-off Competitions

A cook-off competition is an engaging fundraising idea for school that allows participants to showcase their culinary skills while raising funds through entry fees and ticket sales. Have a cooking competition among parents or teachers and charge an entry fee for spectators. 

How to Get Started 

Decide on competition categories and set entry fees. Secure a venue and volunteer judges. Set a date, promote the event and coordinate logistics such as arranging for equipment and supplies. 

Pros and Cons

Pros: Cook-off competitions promote culinary skills and community engagement. They provide entertainment value while offering fundraising potential. 

Cons: Judging can be subjective and can lead to disagreements or disputes over scoring and outcomes. A cook-off competition can be time-consuming and costly in terms of ingredients, venue rental, prizes and promotion. There may be concerns about proper food preparation, handling and safety. 

Estimated Cost 

The estimated cost of a cook-off competition can range from moderate to high depending on venue rental and prize expenses. Fundraising sponsorships can help offset some of the costs. 

Quick Tip

Offer tasting tickets for attendees to sample dishes and vote for their favorites. Give out prizes, trophies, ribbons or certificates to the winners. 

15. Parents' Night Out

Parents on a date night fundraiser event

Parents' night out provides an opportunity for parents to have a break while preschoolers enjoy supervised activities. The cost of admission goes toward fundraising efforts within the preschool. This can become a parent-led fundraising initiative for early education, courtesy of grateful parents who could use a fun night out without children. 

How to Get Started 

Secure a venue and plan activities for the evening. Recruit qualified volunteers to help supervise children. Promote your event by advertising to parents of preschoolers. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Parents' night out offers a fun and inclusive experience for families and strengthens community bonds. It generates funds through babysitting fees, games and snacks for kids. 

Cons: It can require significant planning and coordination. A lack of qualified childcare volunteers can also pose a challenge. 

Estimated Cost 

The cost of a parents' night out can be moderate to high. This will depend on the venue you choose and the activities you plan. You will also need to consider up-front costs for venue rental and supplies like decorations and refreshments. 

Quick Tip 

Incorporate a theme for extra fun. Create a schedule of activities and designate areas for different age groups. 

16. Trike-a-Thons

The trike-a-thon fundraiser is a fun school fundraiser project and an active event where preschool children ride their tricycles or bicycles to raise funds for a charitable cause. 

How to Get Started 

Decide on your event date, location and fundraising target. Arrange venue, bikes, helmets, fundraising materials and volunteers. Invite preschoolers and families with an emphasis on bike safety and fundraising. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Trike-a-thons encourage physical activity and bike safety awareness among preschoolers. They also foster community engagement and raise funds for your preschool. 

Cons: A trike-a-thon requires coordination and supervision to ensure participant safety. It may involve contending with weather-related issues for outdoor events. 

Estimated Cost

The cost of a trike-a-thon is moderate depending on factors like the venue size, equipment and safety gear needed. Donated or rented items can help offset the cost. 

Quick Tip 

Consider incorporating additional fundraising elements such as pledge-per-lap collections or fundraising sponsorships to increase fundraising impact. 

17. Selling Fundraising Products

A popular preschool fundraising idea is selling fundraising products. This involves offering a range of appealing items to supporters, providing them with tangible benefits while generating vital funds for your cause or organization. School groups selling fundraising products raise more than $1.5 billion each year. 

How to Get Started 

Choose fundraising products suitable for families such as candy, cookie dough and wrapping paper. Target preschool parents, caregivers and friends. Secure a reputable supplier and recruit volunteers for distribution, order collection and fundraiser coordination. 

Pros and Cons

Pros: Fundraising products offer tangible benefits to supporters, making them more appealing than simple donations. They also provide opportunities for families to purchase useful items while supporting the preschool. 

Cons: Organizing product-based fundraisers may require up-front costs for purchasing the products and promotional materials. There is also the risk of overloading families with fundraising efforts, leading to decreased participation. 

Estimated Cost 

The estimated cost of selling fundraising products will vary based on product selection and promotional expenses. There are also up-front costs associated with purchasing the products. 

Quick Tip 

Offer a variety of products to cater to different preferences and budgets. Consider partnering with local businesses or suppliers to negotiate discounts or donations of products. This will help reduce costs and increase fundraising profits. 

18. Virtual Storytelling Events

Preschooler watching virtual fundraiser event

Host a virtual storytelling or puppet show event as an engaging online fundraiser for preschools. Participants can enjoy interactive storytelling sessions or puppet performances from the comfort of their homes while supporting the preschool's fundraising efforts. 

How to Get Started 

Plan the event by deciding on the format, duration and content of the virtual storytelling or puppet show. Reach out to preschool parents, families and community members who may be interested in participating. 

Secure storytellers or puppeteers. Choose a suitable online platform for hosting the event. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Virtual storytelling provides a fun and interactive experience for families. It's convenient for participants to join from anywhere, especially parents with young children. It has the potential to attract a wide audience. 

Cons: Because it's an online fundraiser, it may require additional technical setup and coordination. There's a possibility of encountering connectivity issues. It offers limited physical interaction compared to traditional in-person fundraising events. 

Estimated Cost

The estimated cost can range from low to moderate. It will vary depending on the fees for storytellers or puppeteers and online platform subscriptions. The cost may be lower compared to traditional fundraising events. 

Quick Tip 

Consider offering different ticket tiers or donation levels to accommodate various budgets and increase fundraising potential. This makes it accessible for everyone to join. 

19. Craft Fairs

According to the First Five Years Fund, less than 20% of 3- and 4-year-olds in the U.S. are served by publicly funded pre-K programs. A craft fair can be part of an effective preschool donation campaign because it allows families to showcase and sell their handmade items while raising funds for their preschool. 

How to Get Started 

Invite families to participate and secure an appropriate venue. Promote the fair through flyers, social media and email lists. Coordinate the necessary logistics such as booth assignments and date and time. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Craft fairs showcase creativity and promote community engagement. They are a great way to create awareness of preschool needs and raise much-needed funds. 

Cons: As with other fundraising ideas for schools, an outdoor craft fair runs the risk that your event may be rained out. There's a possibility that attendance and sales may be lower than expected due to competition from other craft fairs. 

Estimated Cost 

Craft fairs require a moderate expense level for venue rental and promotional materials. You will also need to consider the cost of providing the necessary supplies to participants. 

Quick Tip

Provide tables and chairs for participants to set up their booths. Ensure your craft fair has adequate signage to guide attendees. 

20. Pajama Days

Pajama day is a fun and cozy fundraising idea where children wear their pajamas to school in exchange for a small donation. 

How to Get Started

Inform parents about the event and set a date. Plan pajama-themed activities for the day. Set up registration and collect donations. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Pajama days offer a relaxed atmosphere. Participation is easy and straightforward. 

Cons: Requires coordination with parents. Children who show up without pajamas will feel left out. Children must follow the appropriate dress code guidelines. 

Estimated Cost 

A pajama day fundraiser is a low-cost event. Costs will entail promoting the event and organizing activities. 

Quick Tip 

Incorporate bedtime stories, pillow fort building, and pajama-themed crafts to enhance the experience. 

21. Penny Drives 

Image of pennies that were donated for a penny drive

Penny drives are simple preschool fundraising ideas that encourage participants to collect spare change to support a cause or organization. It just makes "cents." 

How to Get Started

Set a specific and attainable goal within a fixed amount of time. Provide collection containers and educate participants about the cause. Organize collection points, label collection jars with each child's name and track fundraising progress over time. 

Pros and Cons 

Pros: Penny drives require almost no setup and minimal resources. They foster community involvement and have the potential to bring in substantial funds. It gets kids excited and involved in fundraising. 

Cons: A penny drive may involve handling large volumes of coins. This includes sorting and counting. There may be a risk of theft or tampering. 

Estimated Cost 

Associated costs are minimal, with most going to promotional materials and collection containers. Ask parents to donate jars to offset costs. You may need to factor in potential banking fees for depositing large amounts of change. 

Quick Tip 

Encourage friendly competition among participants to boost fundraising efforts. Provide regular updates on fundraising progress to maintain engagement throughout the drive.

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