20 Spring Fundraising Ideas for Schools that Boost Revenue

Change Jar from High School Sports Fundraiser

Each part of the school year can inspire ways to raise money, and spring fundraising ideas for schools are no exception. Spring is a time for outdoor activities, a focus on nature and the environment, and all kinds of celebrations of the return of warmer weather and the end of the school year. This spring, make the most of the opportunities to connect with students, parents and the wider school community and raise valuable funds for your school. 

We’ve put together 20 great spring fundraising ideas that will help your school raise money and have fun! Keep reading for guidance on costs, levels of difficulty and tips on how to run the best fundraising events for your school.

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1. Spring Carnival

  • Cost: $$$ 
  • Difficulty: Hard 

To set up a carnival fundraiser, start by securing a location. This could be the school or a community center. The space needs to be able to accommodate games, food and rides. 

Then, gather volunteers to help set up, run and tear down the activities. You could ask parents or even local businesses to participate. 

Next, contact vendors to provide games, food and rides. You can choose to rent equipment or partner with local businesses that can donate or provide equipment at a discounted price. 


To promote the event, create flyers and posters to distribute around the community. Share the event on social media and send emails to parents and community members. Be sure to include the date, time, location and cost of entry. 

On the carnival day, set up the games, food and rides in designated areas. Have volunteers manning each station and collecting fees for entry and each activity. 

Make sure to have plenty of change on hand for cash transactions. You can also use a reliable payment processing system to make things easier. 

During the event, encourage participants to purchase food and drinks from vendors to boost revenue. You can also have a raffle or auction to win prizes donated by local businesses. 

After the event, have volunteers help with teardown and cleanup. Finally, calculate the revenue earned and use it to support your school or organization. 

2. Flower Sale

Woman working in flower shop

  • Cost: $$ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

This is one of the most enjoyable spring fundraising event ideas for K-12 schools. To get started, contact florists in your area and explain your fundraising idea. Look for school fundraising companies or partners who are willing to donate a portion of the proceeds to your cause. 

Once you secure a partner, set a date and location for the fundraiser. You can choose to host it at your school or partner with the florist or nursery to host it on their premises. 

On the day of the sale, set up tables to display the flowers, plants and gardening supplies. Work with your volunteers to ensure that each station is manned. 


After the event, calculate the total revenue earned. Your school's staff will appreciate any amount that you're able to collect through this event. After all, though 80% of education funding from the government goes to salaries, it's not enough for the hard-working teachers in many states. 

Don't forget to thank your partners and volunteers for their support. You might consider offering them incentives or small gifts for their help. 

Consider making this fundraiser an annual event. One great way to ensure this is by building relationships with local florists and nurseries to create long-term partnerships. 

3. Online Auction

Wooden Blocks with the text Sold-1

  • Cost: $ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

For this exciting online fundraiser idea, there's no in-person event. Instead, you set up an online auction that's both easy to do and affordable. 

Start by asking local businesses or organizations for items they might be willing to donate for potential sale to interested individuals. You might consider incorporating a theme for this auction to make it more appealing to families and local community members. 

Because we're specifically talking about spring fundraisers for schools, consider adding a floral or nature-based component to the online auction. For example, donated items could focus on helping local families develop their own gardens. 


To set up the auction, you'll need to create an online platform to host it. There are several online auction sites available that might be ideal for your specific needs. Examples include eBay or BiddingForGood. 

Promote the auction through social media and email marketing. Make sure to include a link to the auction site, along with details about the items that will be auctioned off. 

During the auction, have volunteers monitor the site and answer any questions from bidders. Encourage bidders to continue bidding and share the auction with their friends and family. 

4. Spring Cleanup

Cleaning table by hand

  • Cost: $ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

Research shows that the United States spends approximately $15,000 on every K-12 student in the public school system. But in fact, each student only receives about $9,700. In other words, there are plenty of reasons to take these spring fundraising ideas seriously for the sake of your students. 

If you're interested in setting up a community-wide cleanup event, consider the ideal spot that's both safe and in need of some TLC. Look for areas in the community that need cleaning and make sure to get any necessary permits. Make sure the location is safe and secure. 

Because this will (likely) be an outdoor event, think about the weather patterns in your local area when you're choosing the date for the event. Prepare a backup plan if you're concerned about the fundraising event getting rained out. 

You'll need local support to provide funds and supplies for the event, too. Make sure to provide gloves, bags and any other necessary supplies for cleaning. 

5. Spring Fling Dance

School Dance Homecoming Prom

  • Cost: $$ 
  • Difficulty: Medium 

This is one of the spring fundraising ideas that your students will particularly enjoy. It's a great way for them to let off some steam toward the end of the school year. You can earn funds by selling reasonably priced school dance tickets to this event

On the day of the event, have volunteers set up registration tables. Make sure to have a system for checking purchased tickets and tracking attendance. 

Make sure to have appropriate music and entertainment for the event, such as a DJ or live band. Have volunteers monitor the event to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all attendees. Don't be afraid to invite parents to this dance if they're interested! 

6. Raffle

raffle tickets 2

  • Cost: $ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

To set up a raffle fundraiser, select a prize that you know will attract participants. See which local businesses or nonprofits are willing to donate a high-value prize. If you need some guidance along these lines, check out these donation letter templates to help you reach out to organizations in your community. 

Next, create raffle tickets and set a price for each ticket. Figure out a system to sell and distribute those tickets throughout the communities. 

Maybe you have students take raffle tickets home to their parents and other family members. Be sure to include the details of the prize and the terms and conditions of the raffle if you do so. 

Promote your high-ticket raffle items throughout your community to spread the word. When the time comes, you can even have a big celebration around choosing the winning raffle ticket. Perhaps a well-known community member could choose the winning ticket. 

Then, it's up to the organizers to deliver that winning raffle item to the chosen winner. If the winner is comfortable with it, ask them about appearing in photos or videos of them receiving the winning item. That way, you can gather some marketing content to promote future spring fundraising ideas for schools. 

7. Walkathon


  • Cost: $ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

The unfortunate truth is that the government's budget covers less than 8% of the education system's funding. The rest, in large part, is up to each school's support system and local community. That's why spring fundraising ideas for schools can be so valuable. 

Fortunately, walkathons are some of the best events for this purpose. Not only does selling tickets to participate in these events raise funding for the school's needs, they contribute to a healthier, more active community. 

For a walkathon, the first thing you'll want to do is choose a safe route. It also must accommodate the expected number of participants. 

Next, create a registration process and set a fee for each participant. Don't forget to include details about the route, start time and any rules or guidelines for the event. 

Encourage participants to gather sponsors for each mile walked. Set a fundraising goal and provide incentives for reaching different levels of fundraising. 

On the day of the walkathon, have volunteers provide participants with their bibs and any other materials needed for the walk. Consider having a system to track the number of miles each participant walks. 

During the walk, have volunteers provide water and snacks at designated stations. It's also a good idea to have medical personnel on hand in case of any emergencies. 

8. Spring Concert

School band

  • Cost: $$ 
  • Difficulty: Medium 

This fundraising event is similar to the Spring Fling Dance you might host for your students. Students will love a chance to watch live musicians perform as a way to end their school year with a bang. 

This will take some serious networking skills if you want to find a local music group that's both high-quality and willing to perform for free. Also, you'll have to provide the stage and sound equipment. 

The good news is that with a popular band and enough marketing, you can sell a lot of tickets. Hopefully, doing so will allow you to strengthen your school's budget for the foreseeable future. 

9. Trivia Night

question marks

  • Cost: Low $ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

Organizing a trivia night as a spring fundraising idea for your school can be a fun and effective way to raise money. To start, find a venue that can accommodate the event and set a date. 

To make the event successful, be sure to plan the trivia questions in advance. You'll want to ensure that everyone who attends finds these questions challenging yet still enjoyable. 

Have a variety of categories to appeal to a wide range of attendees. Consider ideas such as pop culture, history and science. 

You can charge a fee for each team to participate. Further, look for additional ways to raise funds, such as selling food and drinks or having a silent auction. 

Finally, make sure to create a fun and engaging atmosphere for attendees. Ideally, it should involve lively music and decorations to create a memorable experience. 

10. Student Art Sale

Closeup of paintbrush in woman hands mixing paints on palette

  • Cost: $ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

This is a particularly great spring fundraising idea for schools because you don't have to rely on any of the school's resources. Instead, your students will contribute items that could be sold to raise funds. Plus, there are plenty of benefits to having children participate in creating art. 

Reach out to students and ask them to create artwork to sell at the event. Set guidelines for the type of art, such as paintings or sculptures, and the size of each piece. Consider pricing for each piece of art and create a system for tracking inventory. 

Promote the event through social media, flyers and email marketing. You might also think about reaching out to local newspapers or radio stations to promote the event. 


At the time of the event, set up tables or display boards to showcase the artwork. Have volunteers on hand to help attendees purchase artwork and manage the cash register. 

Charge a commission on each piece sold. You could even offer a discount to attendees who purchase multiple pieces. 

Fortunately, there are top-quality payment systems for events like this that can make the process much easier for your volunteers. Take the time to browse through these payment processing system resources to see how you can optimize usage for your workers. 

Encourage attendees to share their purchases on social media, too. This can be an ideal way to help promote the event and future fundraisers. 

You can also consider hosting themed art sales. Examples might include a holiday or seasonal art sale to keep the fundraiser fresh and engaging. 

11. Bake Sale

Closeup of cake and biscuits in display cabinet at coffee shop

  • Cost: $ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

For this spring fundraising idea for schools, reach out to parents and students and ask them to donate baked goods such as cookies, brownies and cakes. You can also ask local bakeries or grocery stores to donate items or sponsor the event. 

It's important to choose a location with high foot traffic. That might mean you set up tables for the bake sale outside a supermarket or during a school event

Be sure to create an attractive display by arranging the baked goods on well-kept platters. Include signs indicating prices and ingredients. 

You can also offer bundles or package deals to encourage larger purchases. Consider offering gluten-free or vegan options to cater to a wider audience. Don't forget to have enough volunteers to help set up, sell and clean up after the event. 

12. Car Wash

A man washing a cars body-1

  • Cost: $ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

For this fundraiser, you'll need to set up at a school parking lot or a nearby business with high traffic. Next, recruit both students and parents to wash cars. 

Have the volunteering participants dress up in school colors and make signs. This is a great way to attract the attention of passing drivers who would be interested in contributing to a worthy cause. 

Provide plenty of soap, water and towels. To ensure safety for the students, don't forget to have adult supervision at all times. 

You can also sell additional car wash supplies, such as sponges or wax, to boost revenue. Encourage participants to invite their friends and family to get their cars washed and consider offering discounted rates for multiple cars. 

13. Movie Night


  • Cost: $$ 
  • Difficulty: Medium 

To host a local movie night as a fundraiser, use the school grounds or a local park as a venue for the event. Ensure that there's enough space for attendees to sit comfortably. Rent a large projector screen and a good sound system to provide a high-quality viewing experience. 

To make the event profitable, sell tickets and offer food and drinks. You can also consider partnering with local food trucks to provide a wider variety of refreshments. 

Have students help with the setup and cleanup of the event. You can also involve parents in the promotion and ticket sales. Consider offering incentives to attendees who purchase tickets in advance, such as discounted prices or a free snack. 

14. Spring Sports Tournament

Rugby fans in arena against rugby players doing a scrum

  • Cost: $$$ 
  • Difficulty: Hard 

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Basketball, soccer and volleyball tournaments can be excellent spring fundraising ideas for schools. Keep in mind that in some cases, you'll have to secure any necessary permits or insurance. 

Set a reasonable registration fee and offer incentives for teams to sign up early. To involve both students and parents, consider hosting a separate parent/teacher game or a family-friendly activity area with games, food and drinks. 

A good location for the tournament would be a local gym or sports field. It should provide enough space for multiple games, seating for spectators and easy access to parking. 


During the tournament, ensure that all rules are followed and that safety measures are in place for players and spectators. Provide referees or umpires for each game and award prizes to the winners. 

15. Silent Auction

Wooden Blocks with the text Sold-1

  • Cost: $ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

A silent auction can be a great way to raise funds for your school. The main benefit of a silent auction is that it can generate a lot of money without too much effort. 

You can collect donated items from local businesses, parents and community members. Then, set up a silent auction where attendees can bid on the items. One of the key benefits of a silent auction is that it can generate a lot of excitement among attendees, as they compete to win the items they want. 

Another important factor to consider is the location and timing of the auction. You should choose a location that is easily accessible and can accommodate a large number of attendees. Additionally, you should aim to hold the auction at a time when people are likely to attend, such as on a weekend or during a popular community event. 

16. Lemonade Stand


  • Cost: $ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

Some of the benefits of spring fundraisers for schools like a lemonade stand include the low cost and the opportunity for students to learn valuable entrepreneurial skills. Perhaps the main risk of this fundraising event to keep in mind is the possibility of bad weather. 

Think of creative ways to boost sales like offering unique flavors or add-ons, such as fresh fruit or cookies. To ensure safety, students should always be supervised by a responsible adult and follow proper food handling procedures, such as wearing gloves and using clean equipment. 

While exploring these vibrant and engaging spring fundraising ideas for schools, staying informed about the legalities and compliance strategies in public school fundraising is essential. We invite you to deepen your understanding by reading our insightful article, Understanding Public School Fundraising Laws: Compliance and Strategies.

17. Spring Planting Party

Planting a plant

  • Cost: $$ 
  • Difficulty: Medium 

A spring planting party is one of the most entertaining spring fundraising ideas for schools. To organize a successful event, you will need to coordinate with parents and students, as well as local nurseries and gardening supply stores. 

This is a great opportunity to bring the community together, promote sustainable practices and generate revenue through the sale of plants and gardening supplies. 

Encourage participants to bring their own gardening tools and supplies. Finally, offer demonstrations and workshops on gardening techniques. 

18. Fitness Challenge

isolated meadow

  • Cost: $ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

For this fundraising event, start by determining the type of challenge you want to host. Perhaps you want to organize a walking or running challenge. For this, participants will commit to walking or running a certain number of miles over a certain period of time. 

You can then charge a registration fee for participants to join. To increase your revenue, encourage participants to gather sponsors, such as friends, family members and co-workers. They could then pledge a certain amount for each mile their participant completes. 

To make your fitness challenge more attractive, offer prizes for participants who reach certain milestones. For example, you can offer a T-shirt or water bottle to participants who complete 50 miles or more. Another option might be a medal or trophy for those who complete 100 miles or more. 

You can use social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to share information about the event. You can also reach out to local businesses to sponsor the event and promote it to their employees. 

On the day of the fitness challenge, make sure to provide enough water, snacks and other refreshments. These are essential to keep participants energized throughout the event. 

Remember, the more fun you make the event, the more participants will want to join and support your cause. In addition, this is a great way to get students and local community members more active. After all, research shows that only around 24% of school-aged children get enough physical exercise every day. 

19. Spring Craft Fair

Human hands in colorful paint showing symbols-1

  • Cost: $$ 
  • Difficulty: Medium 

To get started on this fundraiser, reach out to local artisans and vendors. Gauge their interest in participating and charge a fee for each booth. 

Two of the benefits of a craft fair are the opportunity to showcase local talent and provide exposure for small businesses. However, there are also risks involved, such as low turnout or vendors not making back their booth fees. To mitigate these risks, it's important to market the event well in advance. 

20. Spring Picnic

Family picnicking in the park

  • Cost: $ 
  • Difficulty: Easy 

This is the last of our spring fundraising ideas for schools that your community might enjoy. For the picnic, consider a park, a beach or a large outdoor area. It should have plenty of space for people to relax and enjoy themselves. 

Once you secure a location, determine the admission fee and the types of food and drinks you will sell, including snacks, sandwiches and beverages. You can partner with local businesses to donate food or drink items to help boost your revenue. 

You can also consider hosting games or activities to keep guests entertained throughout the event. 

To boost revenue further, consider selling merchandise such as T-shirts, hats or water bottles with your school's mascot. You can also set up a donation box for guests who want to give more than the admission fee. With proper planning and promotion, your picnic fundraising event can be a fun and successful way to raise money for your school. 

School Fundraising Software 

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Spring Fundraising Marvel Unveiled!

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