A church strategic planning survey gives the insights ministries need to make key decisions for the future. Unfortunately, not many churches find the time to conduct such a vital survey. It can be tough with the myriad tasks that fall onto church leadership's plate. That's why we built this strategic planning survey template. With it, you can get to the data and insights you need to improve.
Why Conduct a Strategic Planning Survey?
Is growing your church congregation one of your goals this year? Although your church may not operate as a traditional business, it’s still vital to have a strategic church growth strategy to reach your goal.
This involves a regular reassessment of how your church is operating. And one of the easiest ways to make that assessment is through a church strategic planning survey.
Church questionnaires are an excellent way to collect unbiased data. This let's you see where your efforts are working and where they need to improve. Surveys are an excellent tool to invite your congregation to become more actively involved in your church's ministerial efforts.
To learn what works and what doesn't for your congregation, use the strategic planning survey template below to get started.
Church Strategic Planning Survey Template
1. How long have you been part of the congregation?
- Less than one year
- One to two years
- Three to five years
- Five to ten years
- Ten years or more
2. What is your age range?
- 14 to 17
- 18 to 29
- 30 to 40
- 40 to 50
- 50 to 65
- 65 or older
3. What is your current marital or relationship status?
- Single
- Married
- Divorced
4. What was it that drew you to our church?
5. What programs or ministries are you involved in?
6. Do you regularly attend our Bible studies?
7. Do you have children enrolled who are part of our youth programs (i.e. Sunday school, high school youth group, etc.)?
8. Rate the level of importance for each in youth programs (1=Not Important, 2=Somewhat Unimportant, 3=Neutral, 4=Somewhat Important, 5=Important).
- Fun and games
- Social development
- Bible teaching
- Music
9. Are you receiving adequate Bible teaching during Sunday sermons?
10. How has our community helped you grow spiritually?
11. How do you feel about the style of music during worship sets?
12. How have social events and retreats helped your social and spiritual life?
13. What sort of events would you like to see us put on?
14. Do you have any suggestions for ministries to reach out to our community?
15. If we were planning on renovating, what renovations would you like to see?
- Increased sanctuary space
- More youth and children's space (i.e. classrooms, playground, basketball court, etc.)
- More outdoor space
- Increased office space
16. Do you feel that the pastor, as well as the elders, are willing to work alongside you for your personal and spiritual growth?
17. How do you stay up-to-date on events and church news?
- Church announcements
- Church bulletin
- Church emails
- Church mobile app
18. How do you submit tithes and offerings?
- Paper check
- Auto-pay with card
- Through the Vanco mobile app
- Cash payments in offering baskets
- I do not make any contributions
19. Do you have any ideas for ministries, social events, outreaches, or more to help our church congregation grow?
20. Did you find this survey helpful?
Every Church Survey Sample You Could Ever Use
Church surveys are valuable for every church. The feedback you get from these church survey questions provide valuable insights. Unfortunately, building the church survey questions takes time, which you are short on. That’s why we built Word Document templates for every church survey you could ever use. All you need to do is download the 18 printable church survey templates, which won’t cost you a thing!